Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!


Well my lovelies, this year I have two public New Years Resolutions.

1. Keep up with my skin/hair care resigmine. I know I'll regret going to bed with my make-up on when I'm older.

2. BLOG MORE! Keep up with my blogging, and my fashionizing.

Thanks everyone for the amazing support! Have an amazing year!
Victoria Gallagher-Morton

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This is a Title

I have a few things I need to say in this post. Let’s get the obvious out of the way. Yes, I had a good holiday and yes I’m sure you all had a good holiday too. And the other thing; once again, I’m sorry for my embarrassingly large hiatus from writing. I’ve been interning for GLASS Magazine (release spring 2011), and all my writing creativity has been put towards that. Anyhoodles, let’s get on with the big stuff shall we.

ONE. I originally wrote this on my new Samsung Galaxy S Captivate. I thought this feat was of notable significance.

TWO. REBLOGGING is not BLOGGING. I’ve recently come across this blogging site tumblr, much like blogger or BlogSpot, only on this one you can “reblog”. Because of this little button, most of the content on any given blog is unoriginal. I have nothing against sharing work, and spreading the word, but it bothers me that this may be turning into a habit. I personally think it’s a little demeaning to put true bloggers edited and planned work under the same title as tumblr users clicking “reblog” and then being done with it. Again, I don’t want to offend many amazing tumblr blogs, but I just needed to put my thoughts out there.

THREE. I made a Christmas tree out of a lampshade and reused bottles, then topped it with Lady Gaga made from a Barbie. I shall make a post about it asap.

That’s all folks! Thanks for reading, and all that jazz! Happy Holidays and jolly New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lady Gaga X-Mas Tree

This Christmas I spiced things up. I made a Christmas tree from recycled materials, and then topped it with a Barbie that I turned into Lady Gaga. Here is the final result:

Barbie, pre-make over

Her shoe, modeled after Alexander McQueen!

Lady Gaga!

Hair bow, and then a hair bow inspired thing behind her.

The tree pre-paint. I basically cut up bottles, and arranged them with glue. Underneath is a lampshade from Goodwill.

Closer Look

Painted it green, then splashed lighter green to give it an abstract look. I found these little pink flowers in my house, so I put them on. After all that, I threw some glitter on, and bam! I'm done!

Peace Out!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Behind the Scenes with Canada's Top Designers

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Combat Barbie!

Combat Barbie!
Or an ad for Forever21...
The boots, socks, shirt, and jacket are all from Forever21.

So my lovelies, I had a pretty slow weekend event wise. I ended up doing a little shopping, and that resulted in my photography. The iPod was unintentional, but I've been so obsessed with the song "Grenade", I couldn't remove the headphones for the photo. I hope you all have a wonderful and glamorous week!
Peace Out!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

My Pumpkin, and my first pumpkin that I carved all by myself. Yay, it worked!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bata Shoe Museum Charity Fashion Show

Small but filled with passion. That’s how I would describe the Bata Shoe Museum Charity Fashion Show, hosted by Designed to Give, which benefited The Canadian Cancer Society. You could tell that the designers love what they do and truly cared. Now, one of my favorite things to do at fashion shows, is to people watch! This show was a prime example of the pure awesomeness of fashion show goers. Fashion events may be the only time you'll see more than two boys in a row with an ounce of fashion sense. Moving on to the evening's stars, the models. They had a huge obstacle in their performance because the runway consisted of mainly a staircase which they had to maneuver in 5-inch heels. But they did their best, and there were no sad tumbles. Although they had this disadvantage, I did think that some of them could have given a bit more professionalism once they were at the bottom, as I saw a lot of fidgeting with clothing. Before the show, complimentary food was available, as well as beverages at a fair price. Everyone was in high spirits as the show began, and continued throughout the night. The designs were interesting, and reflected each designer’s character and individuality well. The night was a success, with many new designers with great potential! One designer, Naz S, stood out however. The designs were so original, well-made and creative. All the dresses were pure white, giving them a classic and elegant twist. The design was in the silhouette, shape and texture. The thought and work that went into the dresses showed greatly! I really hope to see more creations from Naz S in the future! Also, CJN Designs where rather impressive as well! It was a wonderful night for a wonderful cause!

Here are some note-worthy models. Sorry about the bad image quality, we have a new camera coming soon!

Here we see Briana Leal, a first time to the runway at 15, doing a great job!

Caitlin Alexander, a highly experienced model, works the runway once again while wearing an incredible design by CJN Designs

Here is a list of all the designers:

Chris Nevin - CJN Designs

Joshua Shier - youth.inAsia

Lexi Carter & Michelle Pizzitelli - Cartelli

Naz S - Naz S

Jacqui Plonka - Jacqui

Designed to Give

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! (MOB Style!)

Yes, Fall is here and Summer is not. But hey, Fall isn't all that bad! You get to wear denim jackets, light leather jackets, tights under shorts, pants (without burning up), high-heel boots, and so much more! Here I am wearing my MOB T-shirt (which I am oh-so proud of! Get it here)So ...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

RevWear Interview

A large portion of fashion has become materialistic. This much is true. I love, and support fashion, but even I can admit to that. So what if we cut out that “buy more and buy new” mind-set? You turn fashion into this wonderfully artistic contribution to the world. That is what RevWear is all about; creating fashion out of reused fabric and other recycled materials. RevWear by Revolution Wear is not only changing a bit of clothing, they are revolutionizing the entire world of fashion. From creating a less materialistic and more eco-friendly world, right down to helping the world realise that models are more than just subjects, but are indeed performers. We where lucky enought to get an interview with co-creator, Sapphire Singh.

VM: What are the qualifications to submit clothing into the shows?
RW: RevWear designers have been everything from self-taught fashion artists to 4th year Engineer students who had never picked up a needle and thread in their life. The most important requirement is dedication and passion. We also require that your submission be created from second hand, reused, or salvaged materials. Designers generally submit an informal proposal with their design(s) ideas by the end of October so we have plenty of time to provide feedback, offer support and make sure that the design(s) are ready for the annual show.

VM: When are the shows?
RW:The annual show takes place every year near the end of February or start of March. The 2011 date will be announced before the end of October.

VM: What exactly is your role in RevWear?
RW: I am the RevWear Co-creator that has stuck with the project since its first year back in 2004. My co-creator best buds still dabble in designing and other parts of the production, but I generally take care of the Public Relations (media, promotions, etc.), Event Logistics and submit a piece or two in the show. I am also involved with the education side of RevWear.

VM: Do the designers model their own clothes?
RW: It is up to the designer if they want to model their own piece, provide a model or let us match their designs up with a performer. We have no body type requirement for our models. We do however insist on personality. We prefer to call them performers rather then models to distance ourselves from the stereotype fashion show or event.

VM: Do you have any advice to those who want to start making their own clothes?
RW: Keep doing it. I hear far too often from people that say, "I used to sew..." or "my mom used to sew, but I never tried...". You have to do something, be active in it, to make it real and make it part of you. I would also suggest that you find allies. Seek out others, peers or otherwise, that are doing something similar to you. This group might look like an informal collective or end up being a sewing circle. Finally, be your own model. Wear what you make, and if it is more art then street wear, then share it any way you can. People won't know what you are capable of, if you hide your art away.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

We Day 2010!!

Toronto, are you ready!?
WE DAY is almost here! In less than 48 hours, Free the Children as well as 18,000 youth and educators and 700 volunteers (including me!) will pack the ACC, to be inspired into action. This year we're bringing acts like K'naan, cast of Degrassi and The Buried Life, as well as Hedley! If you can't make it in person, CTV is covering the entire day and broadcasting it live (see it HERE tomorrow). I'll give you all a full report once I get back!

This is how pumped I am, decked out in my crowd pumping volunteer swag:
Peace Out!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fancy Me!

I am just going to share an experience I had today, with all of you.
I enjoy dressing up, and I especially enjoy faking rich. So I was at Yorkdale Mall today, looking a tad more expensive than most fellow shoppers. But the trick is, it was very possible that I spend less on my clothing than they had! So I digress. I did the regular route that included the regular stores, such as American Apparel. Then, just for kicks, I walked in to a high class store. This particular one was Louis Vuitton, but the racks dropped many other big names as Prada and Nicole Miller. These stores get about 95% window shoppers and 4% guilty splurges (who really didn’t have the money) or the savers (who had saved for months for a pair of socks). The last one percent was what I was mistaken for. The last 1% was saved for the most elite shoppers. They were the lucky ones who shopped there on a casual Saturday afternoon for the following week’s classy dinners and press conferences. Yes, I was seen as one of them. I know I was because I had multiple staff acting as though I was the only one in the room and asking me if I needed anything. Whilst I got the attention they were giving nothing more than a simple greeting to the, apparently less fortunate, other 99% of people.
I made my way over to the beauty section. I looked for Channel no.5; because that is the only one I really knew anything about. But very quickly I was whisked away to “the new Burberrys scent that was all the rage”. Normally they have a pile of those little paper sticks by the bottle, or maybe a sales clerk handing them out. But that would not do for the elite. No, I had an Italian-looking man take me around the store. He picked out the new Burberry scent, and sprayed twice on two different specific places on my right arm. Then he took those paper sticks and wafted the scent around for about a minute, maybe more. I really don’t know. He went through the ingredients, and explained how each one was judiciously planned to create the scene that “you now smell, before you”. It did smell good; really good. In fact, it was so good, that I continued to sniff it for the next three hours or so. But before that could happen he told me the prices. Around $80 for the small one, but the regular size was about $130. I replied saying “ Woops, I forgot my credit cards at home, and only have about $70 on me, but I’ll be sure to drop by next week or so!”. Then I briskly walked left, but don’t you worry, I’ll be back into the high life in a few years!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Senior Style!

As I was blog surfing and I came across a blog thats primary focus was senior citizens with wacky and out-there style! Personally I love seeing a granny wearing neon, maybe even more than I love seeing old people holding hands! Also, it is in no way disrespecting the people, which I also love. They genuinely are saluting the senior with style. But anyways, you should seriously check it out. I don't have much to say or type about it, because it's pretty self-explanatory. So here is the link:

Advanced Style

Peace Out!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Clothing Show

      This weekend I headed to Toronto for The Clothing Show. This show put on twice a year and features clothing lines that are ecofriendly, or made from recycled materials, or have something funky or unusual about them. In other words, it is a gathering of fashion lovers who enjoy clothing that is less than common. In the main section of the show were booths which included vintage, recycled, eco-friendly and sample clothing. In another section, the fashion shows happened.

Here are my favourite pieces and/or highlights of the shows:

Front Row? Oh, yes! Here we see the media lining up, and getting ready.
This is possibly my favorite outfit from all the shows. In fact, I may try to recreate it in a later post.
First of all, this model was absolutly stunning! Second, this is a dress that can be turned into a gazillion different dresses! It's called Henkaa. I have a dress similar, but does not compare. This dress just has unlimited options. So I really recomend checking it out, because it's like 100 dresses for the price of one. Here is the link.
In the "not-so-cool" section, we have this Alexander McQueen (RIP) cheap knock-off. Check out his Spring 2010 collection(his last collection before commiting suicide) .
It may be a tad hard to see, but this line is made 100% from recycled sweaters, and other clothing. Pretty neat, the things you can do with your old clothing.
The line that stood out the most was The Fairies Pyjamas. I was lucky enough to get an interview with the manager after the show, and it will be up soon! The opening model for the line immediately shocked the crowed a bit, because she was plus-sized.This is something not usually seen in fashion shows, unless it's a specialty show. Then to continue, she posed in some less-than-common ways. Most of their poses had a bit of spirituality to them, as well as a little bit of mythical flirting.
To finish the show, a very talented hoola-Hooper (I suppose that would be her title) came out to do a five minute, or so, show.
It wasn't just models sporting wacky and wonderful fashions, the event goers earned some limelight as well! There comes a time when you need to push what's "in" aside, and go with your personal style. That doesn't mean dressing like this everyday, but letting your true self out every so often, can be a good thing. I found this women in the vintage section (surprise?). She may be seen as a DON'T on some days, and in some places, but here and now it's a DO!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Peace Out Fashion!

WOAH! It's been a while. I was in Ecuador building a school for those without acess to a proper education. But to be honest, I haven't really been trying to put up a new article.
Fashion is at a stand still. There is no nice way of putting it. Every trend on the runway has been done before. For example: 80's revival, tie-dye, vintage, floral, etc. It has all been on the runway at some point before. Clothes have limitations. Only what can fit on the human body, can be called fashion. I realize that this post is a fashion cry for suicide, but it's not going anywhere. People can wear anything, and it is accepted. This is because being "different" is impowering and brave. Don't get me wrong, I love that we all live in such and accepting society. But, even though there is nothing new, designers will continue to find some sort of obscure trend to manipulate to flatter the human body. And the fashion world will live on, and continue to attempt walking with it's head held high, right up to the point where it can crawl in the mud beside the slugs (heavy metaphor for all you). But as for me, untill something happens, and untill something makes me go "oooo interesting", my posts will become farther and farther apart. Stop putting things on the runways, just because we need to feul a mutli-billion dollar empire. Do it because you have something to say. Do it because something has inspired you. Do it because fashion is art.
Peace Out!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Outfit Diary

LOCKED UP my backyard.
Today was very uninspiring. I just mixed military with Safari, and ended up with this.

Outfit Diary

Casual meets a 90's spunk!
Shoes: Stitches Pants: Eddie Bauer Shirt & cuffs: The Rage by Tiffany McCarthy
Dog Tags: All around the world.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Exclusive Interview!

After the Elle Canada Spring Style Lounge presentation was over, The Fashion Facet Report caught up with ELLE Canada associate fashion editor, Anthony Mitropoulos to ask him a couple of questions.

FF: I have never seen ELLE do anything like this before. Are [mall presentations] new?

Anthony: Yes it is new. This is our first time and we are testing it with this. It is a raw tour. First Lady Gaga and now ELLE!

FF: Haha! That’s great, so, how many will there be?

Anthony: We are doing four malls and multiple shows at each.

FF: I noticed Chanel wasn’t mentioned at all during the show. Would you say that their designs are becoming repeated, and not adapting to the latest trends? Or even go as far as to say they are in a rut?

Anthony: No, they change their designs slightly, and make tiny changes. It is subtle. They are different in that they don’t go over board. But in doing that, it may come off unnoticed. I love Karl Lagerfeld [head designer of Chanel]!

FF: Well Thank you so much, this has been great!

Anthony: No problem!

Anthony and I

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Peter Pan-ish? Maybe? Just a Bit?

August 20th
I went with a "lost childhood spirit" theme with the photo. The outfit is mainly from Forever21. I started with the jacket, but went with a shorts and tights combo to make it less Winter-y. I layered blue tights, with fishnets.
Peace Out!
-Victoria Morton

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Graphic-Tee Spice-Up

I began with the simple concept of "How to Funk up a Graphic Tee". I get so many graphic Tee's from charity events, and clubs. I'm not a simple graphic Tee, and jeans kinda girl. So I've begun trying to find ways of making them a little more "out-there".

Headband: Forever21
Shirt: Me to We Style
Skirt: Forever 21 Twist
Shoes: Urban Planet
Braclet: Claires

I make no promises on how ethicaly made these pieces of clothing are. I bought them before I promised to only buy ethically made clothing, and only from globally responsible companies.

Peace Out!
-Victoria Morton

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ELLE Canada Style Lounge

Upper Canada Mall has long been my favorite place for all the obvious reasons, but now I have an excuse to hang around even more! When they are not doing events with the Easter Bunny or Santa, they manage to fit in amazing events such as the ELLE Canada Spring Style Lounge. The event was sponsored by Fuze, Blackberry, and H&M (all of which I have a total love affair with, coincidence?).

On the agenda was Fuze asking for a small donation for a free sample. I loved the drink, although the aspertame taste was very present. But for 15-25 calories, I'm willing to conpramise taste a little! Next I headed over to visit the H&M closet which was stalked full with the latest fashions from not only H&M, but forever21 (could this day get any better!?). There I picked out a Forever21 jacket and had my picture taken with a Blackberry phone. The photo was sent to twitter, and there I have the chance to win amazing prizes (hello, free Blackberry!).

And now the show was about to begin. The star attraction was the one and only, ELLE Canada associate fashion editor, Anthony Mitropoulos! He had gone to the four fashion capitals (London, New York, Paris, Milan) and has brought back a trend report on what he saw. Presented in the form of a well done Power Point, Anthony did a terrific job talking about whats hot. There where amazing examples from tons of amazing designers. After the show Fashion Facet caught up with Anthony for an exclusive interview (coming soon).

All in all, it was a great event...and guess what! There are more to come. Below is a list of the future tour dates and locations!

May 5-9
Upper Canada Mall,
Newmarket, ON

May 12-16
Oakville Place,
Oakville, ON

May 19-23
Mapleview Shopping Centre,
Burlington, ON

May 24-30
Vaughan Mills,
Vaughan, ON

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Stuff" is not Fashion

It is not Stuff, it is Fashion
Too often do we mix the two.

Here is a mid-week shocker. Be pre-warned, this is a very "number filled" article. H&M sells about 500 000 000 items a year from 1700 stores across the world. This earns them $440 million bucks a year. Not too bad. They are the 3rd largest clothing realtor in the world, after GAP and Spain's Inditex (never heard of it). Now for the most shocking fact in my mind. A piece of clothing can be designed, produced, and distributed, so from the drawing board to the hanger; in 20 days. Yeah, crazy right? It wasn't always like that. Remember the times when it would take a month for some little seamstress to make a dress?

The world is just pumping out STUFF faster and faster. As soon as a colour or cut becomes popular and gets in style, it's on the racks making the company rich. It's a rush for them to make it, and it's a rush for us to buy it. This rush has increased the seasons of the year. Fashion used to have 5 distinct seasons (summer, fall, spring, winter and Resort). Now we have a staggering 26 seasons, all lasting about 2 weeks each. I love the excitement of waiting and anticipating what is going to become in style. Now the wait is gone, by the time we have the chance to prospect, the runways are out.

hm.jpg image by femenemopee

H&M is restocked daily, getting about 3 trucks a day bringing the world more stuff. Look at Hollister and Abercrombie. That isn't what fashion is about. A shirt with a name on it, with a pair of yoga pants is not fashion, its people wearing stuff. The more there is the less special it is, so nothing is important. Labels now rush, rush, rush to design and sell, sell, sell. It’s like fashion has had one too many cups of caffeine.

What ever happened to stopping and smelling the roses? It is facts like these that make the world look at fashion as a superficial indulgent. It is not. I say, down with stuff” and let’s rebuild the world of fashion.