This weekend I headed to Toronto for The Clothing Show. This show put on twice a year and features clothing lines that are ecofriendly, or made from recycled materials, or have something funky or unusual about them. In other words, it is a gathering of fashion lovers who enjoy clothing that is less than common. In the main section of the show were booths which included vintage, recycled, eco-friendly and sample clothing. In another section, the fashion shows happened.
Here are my favourite pieces and/or highlights of the shows:
Front Row? Oh, yes! Here we see the media lining up, and getting ready.
This is possibly my favorite outfit from all the shows. In fact, I may try to recreate it in a later post.
First of all, this model was absolutly stunning! Second, this is a dress that can be turned into a gazillion different dresses! It's called
Henkaa. I have a dress similar, but does not compare. This dress just has unlimited options. So I really recomend checking it out, because it's like 100 dresses for the price of one.
Here is the link.
In the "not-so-cool" section, we have this Alexander McQueen (
RIP) cheap knock-off. Check out his Spring 2010 collection(his last collection before commiting suicide) .
It may be a tad hard to see, but this line is made 100% from recycled sweaters, and other clothing. Pretty neat, the things you can do with your old clothing.
The line that stood out the most was The Fairies Pyjamas. I was lucky enough to get an interview with the manager after the show, and it will be up soon! The opening model for the line immediately shocked the crowed a bit, because she was plus-sized.This is something not usually seen in fashion shows, unless it's a specialty show. Then to continue, she posed in some less-than-common ways. Most of their poses had a bit of spirituality to them, as well as a little bit of mythical flirting.
To finish the show, a very talented hoola-Hooper (I suppose that would be her title) came out to do a five minute, or so, show.
It wasn't just models sporting wacky and wonderful fashions, the event goers earned some limelight as well! There comes a time when you need to push what's "in" aside, and go with your personal style. That doesn't mean dressing like this everyday, but letting your true self out every so often, can be a good thing. I found this women in the vintage section (surprise?). She may be seen as a DON'T on some days, and in some places, but here and now it's a DO!