Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What happens in Vegas... goes on my blog

As the final instillation of my four part trip I found myself in Vegas. Normally, an incubator for gambling addicts, bachelor parties, and midlife crisis's, Vegas played lively host to me for only a single night, as time was limited. To answer all the people who asked how crazy Vegas was when I returned, I respond "I'm underage, I was with my family, and I was there for only one night". Despite this, it was a great evening perusing the grand hotel lobbies, watching the lights go by then ending with a long bubble bath, mini-cupcakes and some Gossip Girl. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, there where gondola rides inside the hotel itself.
Never leave home without leather pants.

Like I said. Gondola rides. In the hotel. Only in Vegas.

Waking up in Vegas (simply had to get the touristy shot)

No one Does Sexy like Victoria's Secret

I get a lot of questions asking if this is a Victoria's Secret fan site. No, it is not. However, I am deeply obsessed with the brand, especially their insanely perfect marketing team. Entering a VS store with me is like going up the Empire State Building with Ted Mosby. I have a post coming soon about exactly why the Victoria's Secret marketing strategies is just so darn good. In the mean time, enjoy this photo of my collection (in fact it's expanded since being taken)!

Making It To LA

To kick off the new year my family and I took a trip to the sunshine state of California after spending New Years with family in British Columbia. The trip included some super-lux plane tickets, a stroll down Rodeo Drive, and a disappointing visit to the Cheese Cake Factory (after following The Big Bang Theory, you really hope both Factories look the same). This made an enjoyable trip, even better knowing you were outsmarting the Canadian cold!

Flying... refined. By Air Canada.

A slightly more elegant take on airport waiting

True Blood may be harder to watch now.
Harry Potter, ands and feet (and wands!)
The Pasadena Cheese Cake Factory... nothing like Big Bang Theory. Shame.
Francisco Lachowski. Enough Said.
Strolling Rodeo Drive

Marilyn Monroe - Forever an insperation.

The iconic set, where friendships are made.

And we're off! Next stop... the desert.