Friday, April 8, 2011


May I introduce you to....

What we do:
A grassroots movement that has spread across North America. The (Mob)ilizers actively hold campaigns and events in their cities championing the cause of social change.

Why we do it:
We are the idealistic, the dedicated and the dynamic. And we are the change we want to see in our world. We tackle serious issues together, because we are serious about our role in society. It's through our daily choices in what we say, buy and think that we not only support, but live the worldwide movement of WE.

How we do it:
This concept works best through the power of networking as the social cohesion of young activists. (Mob)ilizers commit for a minimum of one year, directly supporting both Free The Children international development projects and Me to We events/initiatives.

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Now why am I telling you about the Mobilizers?
Because I, Victoria Morton, have been part of the MOB for one, going on two, years. It has been an amazing expirience and one I'll never forget. I've watched as the movement spread across North America, and I am so proud to be able to call myself a Mobilizer

I'm part of the Movement, Are you?
Peace Out!
-Victoria Morton